Value Addition


2 min read

I am an accountant who just got bit by the coding bug. Actually, the bug bit me almost a year back in a session on blockchain. There are two sides to an accountant - the bean bag side where the debits and credits need to match & all expenses need to have a bill. Otherwise no reimbursement!

The other side is the business partner where the accountant adds value to business by analyzing numbers and giving proper directions to business on where to grow and where to sell to get maximum value.

Now what has that to do with programming? I'm a newbie or in the language of IT seniors, a noob. I'm still learning and exploring but the one thing I realized when learning to code is

Coding is more problem solving than learning to code itself

Sure, we need to understand syntax, loops, conditions, variables etc to code. But why do we code?

To solve problems, to add value to an existing process by improving it.

We do that all the time in our jobs and those who add value get recognized (in a fair organization).

This is my first blog and I don't want to stretch myself. Will see you next week