One step at a time..


2 min read

I run once a week. I love running. The feeling of running against the cool early morning breeze, seeing the sun peering up from the sea signifying the start of a beautiful day and your heart pumping and body moving. What more need you ask for from life? One thing I learnt from running is if you want to run 5k, 10k, 20k or hell even 100k or ultra running, you need to start with one step. Running one step takes you forward. You have to start running to run and reach your running goal. The same logic applies to learning to code. We have to take one step at a time. I am currently doing CS50x - introduction to computer science. Seems simple but to complete the problem sets, we need to have strong fundamentals. How to get those strong fundamentals? By taking one step at a time. How to solve those tough problem steps? By breaking down the problem into smaller steps and taking it one step at a time This helps us to move forward and at the same time grasp the fundamental concepts required to understand the subject matter. In my learning, I understood that

Learning to Code means learning to take it one step at a time

Thanks and see you next week..